
Mausoleum of the Ashes adventure book & Free Cities of Ravosa Setting Guide book

Created by Meditating Munky

Seventh Moon Adventures presents TWO NEW BOOKS! The Kickstarter was designed to bring to life two unique projects, and we are super hyped to get the first episode of season 2 for our adventures out there, as well as the first installment for our series of setting guides for our World of Cellia! * Mausoleum of Ashes, Episode one from Season Two Seventh Moon Adventures series. * The World of Celia - Free Cities of Ravosa Regional Guide, a brand new series our world setting! Each volume will include details about the cities, regions, NPCs, Player Options, and more!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

3d Printable Coins now unlocked!
9 months ago – Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 11:01:37 AM

Greatings Humans!

We unlocked two stretch goals since my last update, and that includes a printable character sheet themed for the Free Cities of Ravosa and a collection of 3d Printable Coins of the Free Cities! 

The Coins section also unlocks a whole new section in the setting guide for the Trade of the Free Cities! This includes 5 coins:

  • Pebs
  • Shards
  • Crest
  • Lune 
  • Drakas

This will add in a few short sections and charts to each citie's section, and an over all economy secion to the book! Tell me what you think about the coins!

The next couple of Stretch Goals will unlock another set of STL files, New Backgrounds, and a New Species and several sub-species, Kynites! And then, hopefully we can reveal the next wave of Stretch Goals once we get into that territory!

Thanks again for all the support, and as always, if you have any questions, or just want to share your hype, comment away!

2nd Stretch Goal unlocked!
10 months ago – Wed, Jan 03, 2024 at 04:41:54 PM

Greetings Humans! 

Today we unlocked the 2nd Stretch Goal, which means we'll be making STL Files for the Cultist of the Ashes in several poses, as well as the Shadow Beast in a few poses and the Shadow Demon! 

Also I updated the Kickstarter Banner because I wasn't happy with the way the last one looked, and I ALSO made some previews for the Cultist of the Ashes 3d Model! 


I made a couple of previews (I might have gotten carried away with them, but I was having fun in Zbrush, so yeah, here's another look that kind of simulates a Clear Green resin!

Green Transparent Resin

And another that looks like a bronze statue that has some oxidation

Oxicized Statue

And Last but not least, another render that looks more like an illustration, and could help folks when they are painting their 3d prints!


We're On Out Way to Unlocking the Next Stretch Goal

Anyways, I had fun in Zbrush today messing around with this, let me know which one you all like the most! And I'll post an update for the Shadow Beast in the next day or so! The model is mostly done, but I want to make the different poses for it, so I can show those off too! 

Anyways, cheers! Next stretch goal will unlock a PDF for a printable character sheet that fits the theme of the Free Cities of Ravosa. 

~ Munky

First Stretch Goal Unlocked!
10 months ago – Tue, Jan 02, 2024 at 11:35:37 AM

Thanks everyone! Now we have some STLs! 

I made sure to put both of the base STL goals near the top so that they get unlocked first, and we are already on the road to get to the 2nd stretch goal! 

Drop a comment and share your excitement! 

Should I make some Terrain STL Files in the next wave of Stretch Goals????

THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME FUN!!! And the first announcement for our Stretch Goals!!!!!!!!!!!
10 months ago – Tue, Jan 02, 2024 at 10:08:07 AM


I can't thank you all enough! This means the world to me! Both the adventures I write, and the setting guide I have been wanting to bring to life for almost a decade is now a reality! I am super thankful of everyone who picked up both, but especially the setting guide! That means the world to me! I know so many people play in their own settings, or in an official setting, so seeing the support from the community to be interested in MY setting is just... it's beyond words. 

You can continue to help get this thing funded more!

If you want to help get more Stretch Goals unlocked, its really easy! 


Seriously! Tell me anything! Say hi, tell us how hyped you are, maybe talk about some of the things you have seen from me in the past! Did you find me from Tome of Dungeons? Did you pick up any of the PDFs or Zines from the first season of Seventh Moon Adventures? Tell me! You can even tell me what you want to see if you are familiar with the other adventures! There's a list of them that will have ties to this setting book! 

Build the hype train! Kickstarter works best when people are engaging with the page, so even if you aren't getting the setting book, leaving a comment on the page will increase the visibility for the Kickstarter and help unlock more content for EVERYONE! 

Also slight spoiler - If we get through this first list of Stretch Goals, I have a lofty Stretch Goal for Roll20 specific VTT pledges! More on that later though! GET TO THE COMMENTS! SPEAK WITH THE WORDS HUMANS!


Thank you all so much for helping me fund in less than 3 hours! It means the world to me and I am excited to get BOTH of these projects up and going!

Super hype!

With that said, we are announcing the first wave of our Stretch Goals!!!!

  • $500 - FUNDED!!!! - Now that the book is funded, this gives me enough to do a small print run for both books. We might even be a slight bit in the red here right now, but that is OK! I wanted to cover the base costs of an On Demand print run first!
  • $750 - Childredn of the Ashes STL Files - We are going to give ALL backers for the first stretch goal! This will be a variety of cultists! We have 3 base models done already, and we are going to make a few poses out of them, and do a few weapon swaps on the base Cultists!
  • $1000 - Shadow Beasts STL Files - When we hit $1000 we will unlock STL files for both the Shadow Beast and Xurzathrax, the Shadow Demon (spoiler alert, that's the BBEG in MotA). This stretch goal will unlock for everyone!
  • $1250 - Printable Character Sheet - When we cross this line, we will unlock a printable PDF character sheet custom designed for the Free Cities of Ravosa! It will have a few special sections to help your players get into character and into the World of Celia! Also future Stretch Goals will impact the layout and design of this sheet! This will only be available for people backing one of the tiers that includes the World of Celial setting guide book.
  • $1500 - STL Coin Files - Once we break through this milestone, we are going to make 3d printable STL files for the Coins of the Free Cities! This will include FIVE 3d printable coins used in the Free Cities, and I think it will be a cool thing to do for emersion in IRL games. Also the PDF and Book will now have a section devoted to the coins of the Free Cities, and Illustrations for them. This will only be available for people backing one of the tiers that includes the World of Celial setting guide book.
  • $2000 - Free City NPCs STL Files - If we get to this point, we are going to make a few NPCs as STL Files! This will include a few "quest givers" and important NPCs in the Free Cities. One of them is from the Masoleum of the Ashes, and I will announce who the other ones are if and when we get here!  This will only be available for people backing one of the tiers that includes the World of Celial setting guide book - with the exception of Elder Nandor, who will be unlocked for everyone!
  • $2500 - NEW Free City Backgrounds -Once we get this far, we will add aditional content to the Setting Book, and this will impact the layout of the Printable Character Sheets! We will be adding a variety of backgrounds to the book, this will add a solid 5-10 or so page (possibly more), and will include at least one background for each Citiy-State! This will only be available for people backing one of the tiers that includes the World of Celial setting guide book.
  • $3000 - NEW Species & Subspecies from the Free Cities -After passing this Milestone, we will be bringing a one of our custom races to the setting book as player options! The Kynites! These are what some people would refer to as "Dogfolk", and we are going to have FOUR Sub-species for them! This will only be available for people backing one of the tiers that includes the World of Celial setting guide book.

There is still much more planned!!!!