
Mausoleum of the Ashes adventure book & Free Cities of Ravosa Setting Guide book

Created by Meditating Munky

Seventh Moon Adventures presents TWO NEW BOOKS! The Kickstarter was designed to bring to life two unique projects, and we are super hyped to get the first episode of season 2 for our adventures out there, as well as the first installment for our series of setting guides for our World of Cellia! * Mausoleum of Ashes, Episode one from Season Two Seventh Moon Adventures series. * The World of Celia - Free Cities of Ravosa Regional Guide, a brand new series our world setting! Each volume will include details about the cities, regions, NPCs, Player Options, and more!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Digital Orders Fulfilled!
7 months ago – Wed, Mar 20, 2024 at 10:02:32 AM

Greetings Humans!

I Just sent out all of the Digital Distribution for both the Mausoleum of the Ashes and the Free Cities of Ravosa PDFs, STLs, Maps, Tokens, and all those goodies from this Kickstarter! 

If you backed the digital version of that KS and didn't get your email, check your spam and/or promotions folder, and if its not there, reach out! If you got both MotA and FCoR, I think all of the download files should be in there in one email. Also if you ordered the Tome of Dungeons PDF as an Add-on or the Seventh Moon Adventures Season 1 as an Add-on, those downloads will all be in the email as well! 

Paper Stuff

All Physical books for Mausoleum of the Ashes and Free Cities of Ravosa should be shipping soon! I got an email this past week that both proofs are on the way, so I am expecting them any day to arrive. Once I see the proofs I can approve them and they will go to print production and ship from DTRPG. That should take (from their estimate) 2-6 weeks (last time I ordered books from them it took like a week for UK and like 2 weeks for US). You'll probably get an email/tracking from DTRPG once they are ordered and shipped. I'm pretty sure that's all automated on their end, but I'll update you all with pics of the proofs and let you all know that the orders are placed and all that good stuff once I do that! 

People who ordered Poster maps for Free Cities of Ravosa, those are all printed and packed in shipping tubes, and sitting right here in my office! I will be shipping all of those out this week! All I need to do is export the addresses and buy the labels, then print the labels, then cut the labels with scissors, then tape the labels on the tube, then put all of these tubes in my car, then eat a snack, then drive to the UPS drop off and drop them off, then wave goodbye to those posters, then drive home and look at the empty space in the corner in my office with relief and sadness similar to a mom dropping her kid off at school.  But yeah, those are shipping soon. Same with the Tome of Dungeons Deluxe books that got ordered! I just need to pack those up in the little foldout boxes and do the same thing with the labels for those. I'll be sure to get an extra snack after I do those too, I wouldn't want to be sitting in traffic hungry!

VTT Conversions

The Roll20 conversion is done, and it was approved by Roll20's team this week, and they emailed me my codes! So the Roll20 version of MotA will be sent out this week once I set that up on Backerkit (either tonight or tomorrow, but no later than this weekend, I promise)! 

We started the FoundryVTT conversion up already, it'll be done soon and we'll send that out once it is ready! It shouldn't be too long for that, but I will update once that is done! Shard will be shortly after that! 

What's Next Munky?

After I finish everything up for MotA and FCoR, I will set up the next adventure from the Seventh Moon Adventures series and get that all ready to introduce to the world! It's already written and all that, so I think I might go ahead and send it over to get proof orders in the works so that if/when that one funds it's an even quicker turnover than MotA! I'm pretty happy with how fast this one got out. Tome of Dungeons took like almost two years of my life between pre-launch to fully fulfilled, SMA season 1 took like over half a year after the KS, and took like a year to write all 6 of the adventures, and Ninetoes took about the same amount of time, so to get this one all done and completely fulfilled (almost at least) in less than 2 months (plus the month to write ahead of time) is a huge relief for me! And I think I can do even better on the Rotting Halls of Vorgul and get it out even faster if I send the thing to proof when I launch the campaign! But more on that later! I haven't set a launch date for RHoV yet, but if you're on my mailing list, you'll get an email about the pre-launch page in the next few weeks! 

I had a couple of people ask me about the next Hardcover book, BTW, and I think I am going to plan for 3 books in the next year or so! 1st one will be a complete collection of Seventh Moon Adventures (Season 1 and 2, once I am done writing Season 2 at least), I'll also get a World of Celia book made up at some point to be a full collection of the setting books, and I think Tim Ninetoes and I are gonna do Tome of Dungeons 2 as well! I'm also kicking around an idea to make a Magic Item book or something in that nature (but I might make that part of the Setting Book when I do a Hardcover for that)... More on all of that later though! 

In closing today, I shall leave you with a preview image of the 3d Model I made for the Coins from the Free Cities of Ravosa stretch goal!!! I am really proud of these coins, they were a lot of fun to make and I hope you enjoy them! I also promised 5 in that stretch goal, and I went ahead and made 6 instead! So if you got the digital version of FCoR, then you will be able to enjoy these 3d printable coins AND I sent a PNG of these previews (both with background and isolated so like... you can set them up in a VTT or print the picture out to hand out to your players or whatever)! 

Anyhow... Thanks for all of the continued support and until next time, Ta-ta!

Books are sent to Pre-Media!
8 months ago – Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 09:42:27 AM

Heya everyone, just a quick update, we sent both books to pre-media over the weekend, so we should hear back from our printers soon to determine if we have anything we need to address there, otherwise we will be waiting for our proofs to come in, which should take about 2-3 weeks. Assuming everything looks right, we'll place our order for the full production and get things distributed then!

That said, we will be locking orders this week and charging cards for shipping and taxes then! I am going to wait until the start of next week (on the 5th) to charge cards so that it doesn't take from rent moneys and those important bills and what not for people not expecting it or reading our updates. 

We will lock addresses a couple of weeks later once we get our proofs in and are placing the print orders to be printed and fulfilled from there, and I'll give one more reminder on addresses before we lock those in case anyone is moving! Of course, if you know you are moving in April (which will be the timeline for our printers) then reach out and let me know so I can put a note on your order to double check with you when we are sending our addresses out to our fulfillment partner!

There are still THREE people who have not filled out their surveys on Backerkit, and all three are for physical print copies, so I need you three to finish that survey so I can get your printed books sent to you! If I don't see those finished up by the end of this week, I'll reach out to you via email to remind you! 

Digital Files and rewards will be sent out next week when we charge cards! I am planning for Wednesday to set those up and send them out to you in Backerkit!

Anyways, That's all I got for ya today, I just wanted to post an update to keep you all in the loop! 


Backerkit Surveys are going out!
8 months ago – Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 07:53:03 AM

Greetings Humans!

This morning we sent out the smoke test for our surveys over on Backerkit to 5% of the backers from the campaign. If all goes well, we will be sending out the rest of the surveys tomorrow morning to everyone! 

We are going to give everyone a couple of weeks to complete the surveys, and then we are going to place our order for both physical books and distribute all digital files! We expect a quick turnover on our end for the process, so we'll lock orders on Backerkit at the begining of March once we send everything to print, and we'll lock addresses within a few weeks after that! Shipping should be within 2-6 weeks of placing the orders, and like we mentioned, digital distribution will be right at the begining of March. 

VTT Distribution should be right behind the digital within a week or two for the Roll20 version and shortly after for Foundry and Shard! 

If anyone has any questions, let me know especially if it has to do with addresses on physical editions (So if you are planning to move in April or May, let me know, we can work around that if we know ahead of time to ensure your physical books and posters get to you)!

Thanks again everyone! Keeping this update short and sweet, so thats all for now, so keep an eye out for an email from us on Backerkit for your survey, and I'll post an update soon once we get closer to fulfillment!

Thank You ALL!!! Backerkit surveys coming soon!
9 months ago – Wed, Jan 24, 2024 at 09:53:03 AM

Greetings Humans!

Mausoleum of the Ashes and the Free Cities of Ravosa finished up yesterday morning, and I want to take a moment to say thank you to everyone who continues to support me! 

Its a big goal for me to continue the Seventh Moon Adventures series, and keep them in print and on the VTT with each run, so I am thrilled to keep this going. 

furthermore, I have wanted to bring my setting to the world for years and years, and this Kickstarter has made that happen! 

Stretch Goals & Backerkit Surveys coming soon!

In the next week or so I will be sending out surveys on Backerkit to get shipping and taxes sorted out, and to offer an opportunity for late pledges and add-ons to be picked up! 

I had a couple of folks asking about the first volume of Seventh Moon Adventures on VTT. They are already released on there, but I talked to Roll20 about it, and they are cool with me offering a discount in Backerkit for those who want to grab all 6 of those previously released adventures as a bundle on Roll20! So those will be available over there and you will get a good discount on them through the post campaign if you are interested in that! 

That said, there were still stretch goals I wanted to see unlocked, mainly the next two (I wanted them all unlocked, but these next two I feel were pivotal). We were a mere $30 away from the first of those two (so honestly I am already considering that one to be unlocked). With the way post campaigns tend to work, they usually bring in a little more funding, albeit mostly for the shipping side of things, but there are typically some additional pre-orders and add-ons that get picked up, so I am going to keep some of these stretch goals I had in mind on the table.

I really want to add these player options specifically so, since those two are right there on the cusp I am keeping those two alive. I think we will break past the stretch goal for both of them in Backerkit, and I am going to plan to see that they are included in the setting book. So hopefully we get there in Backerkit! Either way I am super pumped to bring this setting to life and get it out there, and I have you all to thank for making that possible! 

Distribution of the content

We have the Mausoleum of the Ashes PDF ready to go right now, and the Free Cities of Ravosa is written, I just need to do some more layout and illustrations to tie the whole book together and then export the PDF and those are good to go! I also need to make the STL Files for the 3rd STL Stretch Goal, which should take me a few weeks to make, but it usually takes about 2 weeks for Kickstarter funds to hit my account, so I will hopefully have those finished and ready to go by then. If not it will only be a week or two later. I'll keep the communication up in my Discord and will post updates as I get these ready to go, but I am planning on some time in February or early March to see the them ready!

The VTT side should be fairly quick this time. As always I start with the Roll20 conversions, and then work into Foundry and then Shard. You will be able to select which VTT you want a copy of in the Backerkit survey once it is out, but they shouldn't take too long to convert. I suspect Roll20 will come out within a week or two of the digital files being distributed!

The print side of things won't take long either! Like I said the Mausoleum of the Ashes is basically ready to go, so I am going to send that over to our printers to get the proof copy this week! Assuming that looks the way it should when we get our proof copy, we will place the order for all of the books right away, and get them distributed ASAP. I don't have an exact timeline for these but it won't be too terribly long! I'd guess about 2 months or so, sooooo end of March or some time in April? I'll keep you all updated on those as they get closer. I'll be printing them with two companies - Mixam for all the US orders (and distributing them myself) and I'll be using DTRPG for the European orders, mainly to save you European folks some money on the shipping. Since DTRPG has a print on demand and they have a UK factory and do distribution on their end, that means I can use them to print those orders and ship right from their warehouses at a much cheaper cost. 

So that's the plan! As always, I'll keep updates posted as things are happening, so you'll know when and what to expect! Feel free to reach out and ask any questions at all at any time, either in comments on here, as messages on KS, in DIscord, or just email me if you like! I even have a question form on my website so there are ways to get in touch if you need anything! 

Thanks again for the amazing support, I'm excited to get all of this to you! 

More STL Files unlocked!
9 months ago – Thu, Jan 18, 2024 at 10:16:05 AM

Greetings Humans!

Last night we unlocked our final STL pack for this Kickstarter! This one is for the NPCs of the Free Cities of Ravosa! This will also be the biggest STL pack unlocked out of all of them we offered, and we're excited that it was unlocked! 

Next Two Stretch Goals!

Our next two stretch goals are both for the Free Cities of Ravosa. One will add several new backgrounds for different factions in the Free Cities, including initiatives in our thieves guild, The Silver Fingers, and even a trainer at the Wyrmhold! 

The stretch goal after that will unlock a new species named the Kynites, also known simply as Dogfolk. This loyal species will have a variety of subspecies options available for them as well! We're excited to get these added into the book! 

More Stretch Goals Revealed!

We also updated the Kickstarter page to showcase our next wave of Stretch Goals! I have no idea how far we will get through these, but if any of them interest you, leave comments! Its an easy way to help Kickstarter's alogrythm to put this campaign in front of more eyes, thus helping to unlock some of the following goals for everyone! 

  • $4000 - Automatic Upgrade - Free Cities of Ravosa setting guide will AUOTMATICALLY upgrade for all backers who picked up either the PDF or the Book and unlock on Roll20! Want it on Foundry or Shard too? Let me know in the comments, because it's probable to come there too! 
  • $5000 - Compendium Conversion - All Free Cities of Ravosa player options that get unlocked will also be converted into the compendium for Charactermancer use! This will be a free upgrade for everyone who picked up the PDF or Printed book of the Free Cities of Ravosa setting guide!
  • $7500 - Random Encounter Maps for EVERYONE - When we cross this milestone I am planning to put out a Map Pack of 10 maps for everyone! This will include some unique wilderness maps for the Mausoleum of the Ashes and expand the Random Encounter section in that book as well as some urban maps from the Free Cities of Ravosa and a few of the Landmark locations in the book! 
  • $8888 - Spot UV Upgrade - When we cross this milestone I will upgrade all of the printed Zines for Mausoleum of the Ashes to have a Spot UV cover! If you are not sure what SPot UV is, its basically a fancy looking cover where there is shiny parts on the cover that ract to the light and it looks really cool. 
  • $10,000 - Mork Borg edition of MotA - If we can make it to 10k, I will rehaul, redesign, and rewrite this enitre book to be designed for Mork Borg! I've been tossing the idea around about doing some Mork Borg content in the past, and this is something that would be fun to do, and I hope we can unlock it because I really want to put something out for that system, and this adventure would be a really good fit. So let's get it there! If we hit this stretch goal, every single backer at every tier will get it as a PDF!

If we make it past these stretch goals, I do have ONE more stretch goal that I'll reveal, but I'll wait for that one... So we'll just have to wait and see if we can get there! 

Once again, thank you all so much for the amazing support! Remember to leave comments and help bring a spotlight to this campaign so we can unlock more stretch goals for everyone!